
Friday, September 8, 2017

New article in the International Journal of Frontier Missiology

It has been a pleasure to collaborate with Logan Thompson on a recent article for publication in IJFM!  

Logan and I look at how globalization and other significant cultural shifts mean that Christians who want to engage their world must possess greater competency in a variety of atonement explanations. The article highlights the influence of Athanasius (an early church father) and shows how recapitulation/theosis addresses the problem of shame/death and serves as a useful “path” for bringing the meaning of the work of Christ into both the Makua-Metto culture of Mozambique and American youth culture.

Here's the link if you are interested in checking it out:
From Mozambique to Millennials: Shame, Frontier Peoples, and the Search for Open Atonement Paths in International Journal of Frontier Missiology vol. 33, no. 4 (Oct-Dec 2016)

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