While Rachel and I were in language school in preparation
for our move to Mozambique, one of my favorite ways to increase vocabulary was
by reading. The Harry Potter series in
Portuguese was an especially fun way to practice because the story kept my
attention. (Also I didn't expect it, but
all that sorcery vocabulary has actually come in handy here!). So, in our first few years away from the USA,
I would keep plugging away, slowly working my way through J.K. Rowling's
bestselling series in that language.
Since I was reading those books early in my time overseas, I
have tended to associate them with culture shock. Missionaries and expats talk a lot about this
topic. For those of you unfamiliar with this
term, culture shock has to do with the disorientation experienced when living
in a new and radically different environment. You feel tired all the time and the press of a
new language and culture leaves you feeling drained of anything good and life
So, the best description of culture shock that I can give you
is this: culture shock is similar to the Dementors from the Harry Potter series. The Dementors are these single-minded
wraiths who chase after their prey with the goal of sucking out one's
soul. Both culture shock and the
Dementors are destructive forces that when left untended can render the person
In the series, after encounters with the Dementors, Harry
and his friends are always given chocolate to help recover their strength. So again, we have another similarity between
culture shock and the Dementors. While
there is no complete cure (no method to drive them away forever), the closest
thing that comes to an antidote for the symptoms of either of them is of
course... chocolate!
So, my advice for new missionaries experiencing culture
shock: If at all possible, keep your pantry well stocked with chocolate.
And if your church is supporting a new (or even a not-so-new)
missionary - now you know what to put in their care package :) .
Grace and Peace,